We offer advanced integrations with wholesalers and dropshipping wholesales. Download products in a few minutes and save time and money.

We are leaders in the field of integration with wholesalers!

Are you looking for an online store integrated with wholelsalers? You've come to the right place!

We are a leader in the field of integration with wholelsalers. For many years, we have been developing our Integration Module with wholelsalers that offers many useful and necessary functionalities to facilitate and automate processes between the store and the warehouse.

Hundreds of customers use our module every day so you will be sure that you are getting an advanced solution that is proven and stable.

Now you can start using selected wholesales and their products, and if your warehouse does not on our list, we will be happy to do integration.

Automatic update of prices and products quantity

Our ecommerce software has an automatic mechanisms for product database update.


Thanks to this, all descriptions, photos, prices and quantities of products will be updated in your store according to what wholesaler provides.




Advanced integration configuration with wholesales

During integration with the wholesale, you can very precisely define the principles of product integration such as:

  • Downloading: prices, quantities, descriptions, titles and many other product parameters
  • Update frequency
  • Binding stores categories
  • Selection of downloaded producers and mapping of mirrored names
  • Bedspreads and margin rules for purchase prices from wholesalers including rounding of prices
  • Delivery forms for products from a given wholesale

    These are just some of the many options for configuring the integration with wholelsalers offered by our online ecommerce store platform.


Join to 15000 trusted clients and create your own ecommerce website

Save months of manual adding of products.

Within a few minutes, you can download ready products with photos, descriptions, categories and technical data from selected wholesalers. No matter what the number of products is available to download, all of them will appear in your online store.

Thanks to this you save time and money. Adding one product takes around 15 minuts, in one working month you would add 640 products, what if there were 10,000? Several months of manual addition. Huge costs and a waste of time.

Offerer will automatically update descriptions, prices, photos and quantity of products - even several times a day! 

Sell in Dropshipping model

Dropshipping is one of the most convenient cooperations with wholesalers. The orders from your store are processed and sent directly by the wholesaler to the targetted customer.

Dropshipping sale model you can introduce very quickly to your online store the cost of running your online store is very low.

Find out about details of dropshipping wholesales.

Check wholesale dropshipping

We have already 136 integrations on European market

We have a rich list of integrated wholesalers to which a new wholesale comes every now and then.

We are integrated with wholelsales from virtually every industry min: Electronics and Home Appliances, Electronics, Fasion, Clothing and Fashion, Toys, Electronics, Bookshops and e-books, Erotics and many more.

Thanks to these integrations, you'll find the perfect products for your online store.

Check all wholesalers

Over 1 300 000 products to download from wholesales in Europe

Integrated wholesales have more than 1.3 million available products to download. Most wholesale products contain titles, descriptions, photos, prices, quantities and category trees.

Additionally, products are automatically updated several times a day so you can count on current photos, prices and current inventory status in your online store.

Can't find wholesaler? Let's get integrated!

If you work with a wholesaler or would like to start cooperation and integrate with the wholesaler- Let us know!

We will make a product integration of your online store with a specific wholesale. In order to intagerate we will only need file sharing via .XML or .CSV files.

Learn more
Our integration with wholesalers
Automatic updates up to 8x a day
Downloading only from related categories
The possibility of blocking products without photos
Downloading new products in the wholesale
Downloading products above the quantity in stock
Marking new products as a novelty in the store
Defining actions for products if the wholesale removes it
Rounding prices
The margin on the products
Priority of margins
Possibility to choose which fields to update, e.g.: quantity, photos, description, etc.
Setting the value of VAT
Ignoring VAT from the wholesale
Binding categories from wholesalers to categories in the store
Set the margin on the wholesale category
Margins on producers from wholesalers
Advanced margin rules
Tying delivery forms from wholesalers
Dedicated efficient server for integration support
Security mechanisms

Do you have any questions? call: + 44 752 066 5040 Email: info@offerer.com

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