Help & FAQ

How to configure e-mail box?

From the e-mail box that is created on our server, you can use our < span style = "text-decoration: underline;"> WebMail (in which it is possible to change the password) or by configuring the data to connect in any e-mail program, for example: Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird.

You can also use joining the mailbox to another mailbox. Most of the box operators offer this option. Instructions for: Interii , Onetu , Gmail
It is also possible to simply redirect the box on our server to any other e-mail address specified, then Clients will see the mailbox from our server but when answering, the clients will see the e-mail address for the redirection. To create a redirect, please contact us.

In both cases, you need to configure the data to connect correctly: login, password received from us and:

  • Addresses incoming and outgoing mail servers:
  • Incoming mail (IMAP): 143 (port 993 for TLS encryption)
  • or POP3: 110 (TLS encryption available)
  • SMTP outgoing mail: 587 (TLS encryption available)

    Authentication with a normal password.
    The outgoing e-mail server requires authentication.

    NOTE ! The given ports are standard and in most settings you do not need to change them and e-mail programs should automatically detect settings.

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