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How to add a product to the shop?

To add a new product to the shop:

1. In the shop Administrative panel go to the tab Products -> Add product.
2. Complete the product name and click "Save"
3. Complete the basic data:

Necessary elements to add a product is the minimum:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Price

    4. Go to the Categories (1) tab and select the categories in which the product (2) will be visible

    5. In the Images tab (1), assign images that will be in the product gallery. Files from the disk should be uploaded using the "Add photos" button, those already on the server - using the "Add photo from server" option (2)

    "Add photos" button : new images can be added using the "Add additional photos" button (1), thanks to the built-in, simple tools you can perform a quick editing: cropping and turning ( 2), delete unwanted photos (3), and after completing the works upload images to the server (4)

    Button "Add a photo from the server" : after selecting this option, you can add new folders (1), upload photos (2), for the selected file it is also possible to start editing and checking the URL (3). The choice of the photo should be confirmed by clicking "choose file" (4)

    6. The last, necessary Stepiem is adding a product description, in the Description (1) tab. We recommend the preparation of the description in two forms - a shortened one, containing only text, added in the field "Short description" (2), and a full one, which can be edited in the editor in the section "Extended description" (3). It is worth noting that the full description can include images, PDFs and movies (4), its creation is possible with plain text and HTML tags (5), and the section's look can be managed using the CSS editor (6).

    7. When editing a product, you can save your work on an ongoing basis using the "save" (2) button, the last saved version can be seen by clicking the "Show" (1) button.


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